There are two methods of understanding things:
1) learning and then doing
2) doing and then learning
Till now i have always followed the first method. But Dr. Mandi is teaching Principles of Management through second method. The tower building exercise was an example of the same.
It was done in two parts:
First: Students were made to bid.The highest bidder was given a chance to build the tower.
Result: The tower was built with 22 blocks.
Second: Again the students were asked to bid. The highest bidder was given the chance to build the tower. The only difference was the tower had to be built by a blind folded person so the task was done in a group by 3 people who played role of CEO(top),manager(middle) and worker(low) respectively.
Result: The tower was built with 25 blocks.
The result seemed bit surprising at first but when Dr. Mandi connected it to OLD (Craftsmanship) and NEW (Modern) style of management i got all my answers.
Key Learning :
1) Goal setting:
A goal is a desired result a person or a system envisions, plans and commits to achieve. Goal setting is very important esp. for an organisation because the efforts of all the employees can only then be directed. Goals should not be too high or too low,they should be S.M.A.R.T
2)Importance of management:
When the task was done by the group, the performance was enhanced because every individual's work is well defined . This is new style of management.
3)Worker's viewpoint:
Every individual feels good when they are appreciated. If an employee is encouraged and appreciated in any form for his work his level of performance increases.
There can be different methods for solving a problem, a person just needs to think for them!!!
Well the lecture was so interactive and informative that i am eagerly waiting for the next lecture!!!
Till then keep reading :)
amazing!!!learning management through games.Really innovative as well as fun.